Bodies in Progress (Extended)
„Once aware of conception, a woman is no longer an individual but an indwelling plurality.“ (Joan Raphael-Leff)
The Bodies in Progress (Extended) project is a continuation of Bodies in Progress, a solo dance performance by a woman authentically reflecting the changes of body and mind during pregnancy. Bodies in Progress (Extended) is inviting artists at different phases of pregnancy to share this experience and will be performed on the 7th of April 2025 as part of the Venus Days festival at the Venuše ve Švehlovce space, Prague.
During the preparation and presentation of the project we want to create a safe environment where women can share their experiences of pregnancy.
The project is being created in collaboration with the curatorial team: Martina Hajdyla Lacová / Alexandra Cihanská Machová / Jiří Hajdyla / Lucia Kašiarová / Natálie Rajnišová / Maja Hriešik.
We are seeking women who:
- have professional experience in physical / dance / performance art.
- will be in the second or third trimester of pregnancy on the 7th of April 2025.
- have a desire to engage in an artistic creative process dealing with the changes, both physical and mental, that pregnancy entails.
- agree to an audiovisual recording of the project for the purpose of making a documentary film.
We are offering:
- safe and respectful conditions that meet the needs of the woman and her baby.
- a space for collaborative artistic creation under the guidance of a curatorial team.
- a fee for the creation and presentation of the project, to be specified after the Open Call.
For further information please write to producer Adela Lipavská
Apply by filling in the application form HERE
24 February 2025 – Deadline for applications
3-7 March – Individual online interviews
7 March – Announcement of the results of the Open Call
15 March – Brunch for invited artists and curatorial team
25-28 March – Residency in Prague (half-day sessions)
5-6 April – Residency in Venuše ve Švehlovce, Prague
7 April 2025 – Final preparation and public performance at Venuše ve Švehlovce, Prague